The Vetter' s from Heidelberg

Montag, Januar 16, 2006

Netsi and I spent the weekend at our friends Philllip, Steffi and Domenikus house. They have a wonderful hut in the austrian alps, which is more than 100 years old. Togehter with some other friends we had a wonderful time as you can see on the pictures. Weather and snow were fantastic and the food even better. We distributed the Kids to Netsi brother and mother and took of for a weekend on our own.

Montag, Januar 09, 2006

The rider, the horse and the colt

Cara got Christmas her first riding equipment (like a helmet) . Since she will only start in summer riding. In the meantime she uses Dad as horse - luckily she is not using the horsewhip, which she also got on christmas. The little one below the horse is the colt called Moritz - that was his idea.

Anyway today after we have played in our living room we manged to go go for a bicycle trip - 15 kms and the kids were all going by themselves -we are very proud of them. Posted by Picasa

Sonntag, Januar 08, 2006

our little princesses

Our two beloved ones liek to play in princess costumes as fairies - Luca as well as Cara - let's hope that this is a period and Luca will return to playing the knight or the king :-) Posted by Picasa

Samstag, Januar 07, 2006

Images of Simons wedding Posted by Picasa

Happy new year

Hello friends and family
we wish you a happy 2006

Cara, Luca, Netsi and Thomas