After arrvial in Conoor, a hill station about 2000m above sea level, a car picked us up an took us to the Wellington golf club, where we stayed. This was organized by my golf pro in Bangalore,
who knew the manager of the golf club in Conoor, because normally the cotaages there are reserved for millitary personell only. It is like always in India, personell relationships are highly valued and make almost everything possible. So we were the only civilians among hte officers of the Indian army, who had a cricket gme there.
Obviously I used the time to play golf. First my brother in law Lulseged and myself had a practice round with a coach. It was the frist time Lulseged played golf and he later acknowledged - yes it is sport. The way you do it here is you hire two caddies. The one is placing the ball and giving hints on your swing,
the second is collecting the balls and returning them to you - so no machine as in Germany, everything is handwork, like always in India.
&The golf course itself is very hilly and very difficult, but wonderful from the landscape. It is surrounded by tea plantages and when I played in the early morning I even saw some wild bisons on the fairways.
&During the time I played golf the rest of the family relaxed as you can see. We had our own caretaker, Thomas, which you see on the picture. Thomas has served 58 years! oin the golfclub, he started with ten years - unbelievable. He is a very nice fellow and we gave him an excellent tip.