The Vetter' s from Heidelberg

Dienstag, April 18, 2006

Netsi at the taylor

On Saturday it was raining heavily in Bangalore. The rain was welcome by all people, because it helped to cool down. The week before the mercury hit 39 degree. So we went thorugh the rain by car and stopped at brothers, Netsi favorite taylor in Whitefield. She dashed out of the car into the shop. The taylor knows Netsi by now, she has been there so often and they get into lengthy discussions about alterations etc. Netsi by the way has more than one taylor, so for certain things she goes to the one and for others to the other. It seems to me she is already quite known in the community of taylors.
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  • Hi Thomas,
    sieht ganz gut aus... sind das Kinderschuhe, oder sind die auch für mich??? Dachte man hätte nur auf dem Wasser ein schlechte Einschätzung von Dingen entfernung/Größe/ etc. aber Handtaschen scheinen dazu zugehören .... höhöh ne keine Ahnung - Muste rder Tasche ist gut - aber nicht so Dandy Träger... vorallem aber müssen sie groß sein.

    By Anonymous Anonym, at 10:05 AM  

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