The Vetter' s from Heidelberg

Sonntag, April 02, 2006

Lunch at the Taj Gateway

On Sunday we used the time to show Elfi and Lulseged the sights of Bangalore. So far they only have seen the shopping malls of Banaglore and we thbougth its about time to show them something else. So in the morning Netsi, Elfi and the children went to Bahai service and childrens class, I went to the city and Lulsged watched forumla 1 on TV. At lunch we all then net at the Taj Gteway, a very nice place in the middle of the city. Luca is always impressed by the doormen in this fancy hotels. They are all purposely slected, they are much taller then the average Indian and most of them come from Rajastan. Cara and Luca also checked if the Chapattis and Roits were done right and the chef won their approval.