The Vetter' s from Heidelberg

Samstag, März 18, 2006

Golfing at Eagleton

On Saturday I got up in the morning at 6:30. What did make me up getting so early ? Golf! I drove to Eagleton a resort about 75 minutes drive away from Bangalore. That means 75 minutes if you drive at 7 am, once you hit the traffic it could easily take up to 3 hours.
In the morning I took lessons with a coach, because I haven't played for 7 months. Sivikumar, my coach, is a former Pro from the Indian PGA tour and he is an excellent teacher. I feel I improved my game significantly. After lunch the two of us went on the course. It is a magnificent course with an excellent layout and beautifully designed. Instead of yellow and red sticks like in Germany the distance to the Pin is marked by yellow and red bushes. In India one is always accompanied by a caddy, which carries the bag but gives also useful hints -" aim a bit to the left - watch out the slope is descending etc".
In the beginning I felt somewhat uncomfortable having somebody else carrying my bags, but one gets very quickly used to it :-). The job of a caddy is a very popoluar one because they get a decent tip and they are allowed to practice in the early mornings. .
Ofcourse all of these boys dream of becoming the next Tiger Woods. For those of you who don't play golf let me explain the picture and the sign on it. PGA means Professional Golf assosciation and they organize the golf tournaments in the US and the by far best player in the moment is Tiger Woods, who is an African American. Now you will understand the sign